Necessary ingredients for Women's health

 A balanced diet is key for a long and healthy life But did you know that gender plays a role in determining the best diet for you? Hey there viewers and welcome back to bestie. Men and women share almost 95 percent of their DNA but their diet and nutritional requirements are different.Click here to get bonus of 20$ Your body stature, reproductive functioning and metabolic rate determine which is the best suited diet for you. For example women need more calcium than men to avoid the possibility of osteoporosis. This is because women's bone density is naturally lower. A well tailored diet with the right food choices will make a whole world of difference for the ladies. Dark leafy greens 

  •  Asparagus 

    has numerous health benefits for everyone. It has the highest antioxidant content among vegetables. Its benefits go beyond that, especially for women. It is loaded with folate which helps Woman during pregnancy. It keeps the baby safe from any potential birth defects. It is also a good source of estrogen for women who have gone through a hysterectomy. Because of this unique estrogen production it also helps in fighting menopause. Click hereFrom keeping your heart healthy to anti inflammatory properties asparagus is an underrated vegetable. Regularly eating it will also reduce signs of aging along with giving you glowing skin and hair. You can make it a part of any meal by char grilling it or pan frying. What is the one vegetable you swear by For glowing skin and shining hairs 
  • Dark Chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth then this is welcome. Dark chocolate has several benefits including maintaining your heart health and keeping blood pressure in check. It's an amazing, healthy, sweet substitute for women. The absence of sugar makes it a good choice for diabetics, too. If you're having a dull day at work then having some dark chocolate will definitely help. Eating some, every day, will keep the arteries unclogged and will also improve vision. Another benefit is that it promotes endorphin release in your body which leaves you feeling Happy and relaxed.


Did you know that blueberries contain more than twice the amount of antioxidants compared to other fruits? And they’re more than just pretty Desserts, They’re superfood. These tiny berries contain all the essential nutrients and vitamins necessary for detox and keep you healthy. They can boost immunity and are mainly responsible for muscle growth and repair. Click to watchEating just half a cup of blueberries everyday, sweetened or frozen, will work as an immunity booster, prevent urinary tract infections and will stop age related memory loss. You can add it to oatmeal, yogurt or purple salad in the morning and power through the day!


Garlic is a dark horse of the health world. It contains Vitamin B6, manganese and Vitamin C among other essential nutrients. It's also used as a natural and effective home remedy for the flu. The active compounds also manage high blood pressure and hypertension. For women, having garlic everyday minimizes the possibility of bone loss by increasing estrogen production. Eating dry garlic extract everyday helps menopausal women to get rid of the problems related to low estrogen. Garlic and onion together ease problems related to osteoarthritis as well.

Dark Leafy Greens

Green vegetables are everyone's best friend. Kale, spinach and lettuce are some of the most nutrient rich ones. The benefits of these greens include: reduction in inflammation, lowering risk of obesity, maintaining heart health and, of course, improving brain function. From kids to adults everyone should have a good portion of dark leafy green vegetables everyday. Packed with iron, magnesium, calcium and Vitamin A, these are all minerals essential for women. Drink green juice, add them in your salad or in pasta and side dishes, there are many fun ways of including these vegetables in everyday meals



Lentils are a staple and women should eat Them everyday or at least three times a week. Especially if you’re over 40. Did you know that lentils are 3rd for being the most protein dense vegetable on the planet? For women who tend to overeat, lentils are a huge relief. Due to its slow digestion process, you will feel fuller for longer and will not feel like Indulging in sinful snacks. If you are approaching your 40s then they should be a regular part of y your because diet If you are approaching your 40s then they should be a regular part of y your because diet it also regulates weight loss. If you're vegan or vegetarian by choice then they are the best substitute for red meat

Flax seed

Often termed a wonder food, just one tablespoon of flax seed will give you long term health benefits. Packed with protein, carbs, fiber and numerous other important minerals and vitamins, they’re Beneficial for your brain, tissues and organs. Flax seed also promotes healthier looking skin and hair. From soups to salad to baked goods, they can be eaten with anything. Women should eat flaxseed everyday to improve cognitive function that tends to decrease with age. They are also helpful in flushing out toxins and excessive fat from the body. The dietary fiber present in these seeds keeps your gut and digestion healthy as well.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes host many nutrients that are Valuable for women. They contain large amounts of Vitamin B6 which is great for the brain. They’re also loaded with fiber that maintains gut health and protein which is necessary for maintaining muscles. Sweet potatoes contain iron that helps promote fertility among women. Eating more iron from food sources such as these can help in reversing secondary fertility, as well as reducing the chances of ovulatory infertility. They also have Vitamin A which is good for the eyes, skin and urinary tract health in women. For protein deficiencies especially among vegetarian For protein deficiencies especially among vegetarians.


Eggs are packed with nutrition vital for women’s health. Being easily digestible and containing healthy fats, these nutrients have been linked with lowering the chances of breast cancer in women. They are a popular breakfast choice and starting your day with essential omega 3, phosphorus eggs are packed with nutrition vital for women’s Health. Being easily digestible and containing healthy fats, these nutrients have been linked with Lowering the chances of breast cancer in women. They are a popular breakfast choice and starting your day with essential omega 3, phosphorus and protein is a great idea. Eggs are considered high-quality protein because they contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs on a daily basis. Scramble it, make a breakfast burrito or boil it. They're versatile, cheap and easily available. 


These are some good ingredients that woman’s should have to consume for their mental, physical and spiritual health. 


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